
Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Difference between Love, Want and Need

While there are great many similarities between love, need and want, there is also quite

some differences which demark them, when observed keenly. Here’s a treatise on ways

to identify the differences.

Want, Need and Love: Want and Need are two different things, however they can

transform as per the situation. Many who are in relationships, now a days are unable to

distinguish the difference between these terms.

Sometimes those who did not have a good childhood, with parents working or abusing

them in their childhood, find someone when they are in their youth and quickly enter into

a relationship, when a little attention is shown, thinking that is love. However, that

relationship might not last long, as the person is in need of some attention and has

actually found that through the other person. This is comparable to a person who is

hungry in a desert for many days, when sees a snake kills it and eats, though normally,

that person would never eat snakes and might even hate it to core. Once, that person

finds more options and comes to the senses the relationship ends.

Need and Want are interlinked

We humans don’t understand what we need until we miss that thing in our life. For

Example: Oxygen, which is very important component for our survival is something that

is available freely, hence we don’t really desire it. However, if you are drowning in the

water, your need will slowly transform into a want and you will notice that you will do

everything possible in order to get oxygen. We humans, do not really value things, when

they are with us. A relationship also can be compared with the above example. You

might not realize that you are actually are liking a person who is hanging out with you

now, till the time that person goes away from your life and you might be ignoring him or

her as well as getting attracted to another person when he or she was near you.

However, once the person who was with you through the times of sorrow and fun leaves

you, you will realize the vacuum that was created within you and the comfort zone that

was built around you vanished and soon you realize that you need that person and your

need becomes a very strong “want” and when you feel like you cannot live without that

person and you want him or her to be at your side always, the want starts to transform

into love

But, what’s Love?

Love is not a momentary feeling of wanting or needing a person at your side. However,

love exists as a result of appreciating the feelings of another person as well as

accepting the person as he or she is. You are in love when your needs do not become a

priority, but the need of the person whom you love becomes a priority. You are in love

when you are feeling concerned, when the person whom you are loving is sick and do

everything to help him or her in becoming better or find joy in serving him or her, if you

find yourself not so concerned about that person, when that person really needs you

and if you are only getting attracted sexually, that means you want that person only to

satisfy your desires or lust but, you actually are not in love, but you want that person

only to satisfy your needs.

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