
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Homeopathy: A Plausible Hallucination or a Hollow Hypothesis!

Hahnemann’s Homeopathy: The Inception of Homeopathy has originated more than 200 years ago by

Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann. He conceived this method of treatment while translating a

medical treatise by William Cullen, a Scottish chemist and physician, into German language.  He began

testing about what effects substances produced in human beings when taken, which was later termed

as “homeopathic proving”.  The basic principle of homeopathy is commonly called as the “law of similar”

which is to “let like be cured by like”. This is a purely unproven assertion and is definitely not a real law

of nature as on terms with the popular scientific method. And it was totally out of proportion when

compared to the medical science and conventional medicine.

Delusion of Dilutions: These Homeopathic remedies are created by serial dilution with powerful shaking

and forceful striking on an elastic body which is called as Succussion. And, generally homeopaths use

minute quantities of remedies to treat people. This is called as the “law of infinitesimals” which is quite

opposite to the contemporary methods of scientific treatment. This method is performed because

homeopaths believe that larger quantities of doses could produce effects similar to that of the disease

being treated. Hence, they use small doses of medication which they think has powerful healing effects

because of rigorous and vigorous methodical shaking.

Substantial Science Vs Hollow Homeopathy: The complete weight of scientific research has found

homeopathy to be similar to that of a placebo ( a simulated medical intervention) which has far from the

effectiveness of universe of science and real world.  There have been a lot of experiments and

researches on the effectiveness of homeopathy and is found out to be just mere shaking of dilution and

it does not have a real effect on shaking out the disease from one’s body. The value of its effectiveness

is similar to that of its medicinal dilution, a fraction that cannot be reckoned upon for an effective

treatment to demonstrate its efficacy.

The theory of homeopathy has produced no reasonable or observable predictions in the procedure of

curing an individual and should be scrupulously considered by any patient who ignorantly gives in to

such forms of treatment. It tries to explain events by correlating it with super natural and unreasonable

forces and processes and is very obscure and flawed.

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